Scientific Scholars & Technical Coaches

ATHENS is setting up a culture for ‘Next Level Education’ in India. We delight in beauty and creative power of science, technology, maths and engineering, and we make a special effort to spark that same passion in students from high school, in school, after school and over the summer. We are introducing (unlike anywhere) some very unique courses like ASMAT (Advance Scientific Mathematics), Binary Numbers & Electric Circuitry, Quantum World, Scientific Information, Critical Thinking, Robotics Workshop (ATHENOTICS), Knowledge Representation, Building Logical & Reasoning Aptitude for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL) in children at a very tender age. We are working on ‘Strongly Method-Oriented’ Skill Development Courses through Model Construction, Planning, Mind Maps, Logic Building, Relative Logic, Solving Problems by Searching & Smart Extraction.